Not just there, it’s everywhere.
In the late summer of 2016, we began work with longtime partner The Telling Well to develop a brand for a new production company servicing organizations and individuals trying to solve problems that they saw in their communities. We, along with the team at Moxie Coalition, began with a series of naming and brand ethos exercises to identify the brands core beliefs.

Pre write board, unfortunately. And a jacket for some reason.

Still no write board, and unfortunately a different jacket.
The name, Small Forces, reflects the idea that everyday acts seeming insignificant on the surface, can ripple outward. We all have the ability to conjure small forces.
The simplicity and strength conveyed in the name was carried through into the identity.

The basic mark is made up of two simple shapes. A square and a triangle.
The mark’s core elements, when combined in a pattern, become stronger reflecting the idea behind the name.

Step and repeat.